Monday, March 3, 2014

"You can't do that...", No YOU can't do it.....I am already halfway done!

One thing I know about myself is that nothing pisses me off faster than someone telling me that I can't do something, especially when it comes to my horse. I am a pretty chill person most of the time (unless I have had too much coffee) so when someone tells me I can't do something, my outside voice says "Yeah, you are probably right." or "Maybe". Meanwhile, my inside voice says "What do you mean I can't do that?!?!?!?. Just because YOU can't do it, doesn't mean I can't do it. So, go ahead regale me with your tails of things I can't do, because I have an open slot for you my 'I told you I could, so shut the f**k up' list."

Needless to say, I get a little touchy about it. Now, I am not high on drugs. I don't think that as a 5'0" woman that I am going to be able to dunk a basketball on a regulation hoop or that I can survive a fall of a high rise. Everyone has very real limitations in life, but my goal is to overcome the limitations that are only in my head.  If this journey with Fiona has taught me anything, it is that many of the things I thought I could never do with her, were all in my head. I mean I wasn't even sure I could ride this horse and now I goal for the year is to go on a trail ride! It's crazy.

Despite the VERY long delay between this post any my last, not much has really changed, but it seems like so much has. Bad news, I have gained back pretty much all the weight I had lost and I am desperately trying to turn into that skid. Good news, Fiona will get in a trailer now!!! She still has some concerns, but she will get in!Also, we re-entered the park of evil!! We rode out there on the end of a lunge line and we are working our way closer to traffic this week in our lesson. Prayers everyone!! Here's some video:

Pretty cool huh? You'd never know she was ever nervous out there. Trails here we come!!!!